Ongoing Projects

Statistical communication

We are examining both how statistics are communicated to the general public and how they may be best perceived.


In the spirit of studying human data interaction, we are developing an R package that can be used to analyze R code in the tidyverse paradigm.

Quantifying sensitivity to unmeasured confounding

We are working to simplify sensitivity to unmeasured confounding analyses so that they can be implemented by non-statistical researchers in clinical or social science settings. We have created an R package on CRAN, tipr, to facilitate this.

Data analysis for the local community

We are actively engaged in data analysis projects for members of the local Winston-Salem community. Currently, our focus is on data from the Reynolda House. We are helping the Reynolda House manage, analyse, and visualize their data.

Shiny in the classroom

We are developing shiny applications for the classroom setting.

Data science pedagogy

We are actively examining best practices in teaching data science, both in the classroom and via Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).